DIY a Pine Stump Table

DIY Stump Table

Back in 2017 I shared with you my four foot log snowman created from an old pine tree that was chopped down in our yard.  Mr. Snowman served me very well over the past 6 years but he has started to show his age.  I notice a little rot on his bottom layer.  Either I can turn this friendly little guy into firewood or repurpose him once again. 

The base of Mr. Snowman is getting a second chance. He will now be turned into a sleek side table. I would expect him to last a lot longer this time since he will be stored indoors.

I turned the stump over, preferring the wider base for the top of my table.  After sitting in the frozen mud for several seasons, a bunch had caked on the bottom part of my stump.

I  knocked the mud off with the claw end of a hammer but I was left with the unevenness of the chain saw cuts.

I worried that removing the extra wood with another chop of the chain saw would take off too much wood.  I opted for an electric planer to slowly whittle down the excess.

An electric sander took care of the white snow.

Where the stump had started to rot, I filled in all of the nooks and crannies with wood glue.  That step had to be repeated several times as the stump soaked up a ton of my glue.

One loose chunk of stump was also glued and clamped back on.

Sand, sand , sand.

Once your happy with how smooth your stump is, it’s time to polyurethane.  I used several coats of a water based, satin finish poly.

Stump Table

My stump  table was not quite level so I purchased a set of adjustable feet furniture levelers. Just drill a hole, insert your foot and rotate the foot up and down depending on your floor or the unevenness of your stump.

If your stump is totally level you may still want to use felt pads on the base to prevent scratches to your floor.

Once your feet are attached, turn your piece upright and use a level to adjust the feet up or down.

Stump Table


Stump Table

Stump Table

This little DIY stump table will soon be headed to a mountain cabin.  If I ever get pictures I’ll be sure to post.  As for the rest of Mr. Snowman, firewood is still a possibility. 😥 

As always, stay inspired.



  • Lane says:

    Love the snow man idea also. We actually have 4 short logs from last year with intentions of making a couple side tables!
    Yours turned out beautiful.

  • Gail says:

    When my niece got married I was put in charge of the card box. We had cut down a birch tree earlier that year so I took a chunk of that and secured the box to it. Luckily she had a outdoor wedding so a chunk of wood sitting on the gift table fit right in. I kept the chunk of birch to make them a side table for their first anniversary. Missed that, striving for the second. As always, love your projects.

    • Joan says:

      I love that idea. The farther it gets from the wedding the more it will be appreciated that you bothered to save something so seemingly trivial.

  • Kathy says:

    This is such a timely post! I have 4 large stumps that were left on my driveway by the prior owners. Thanks for the motivation to make them beautiful!

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