Gelli Plate Printing for Beginners

Gelli Plate Printing for Beginners

Gelli Plate Printing.

If you watch art videos on Youtube enough, eventually you’ll get to Gelli Printing.  And if you even watch one Gelli Printing video, AI will assume you want to see all  of the gelli printing videos.  And if you watch all of those gelli printing videos , you’ll eventually decide, that looks easy enough,  you are just going to have to try it.

That’s the point I was at when I ordered my first gelli mat from Amazon.  I  had wanted to suggest to my kids to get me a gelli mat either for mother’s day or my birthday but nobody asked so I went out on my own and bought it myself. I can’t complain, they always have their own wonderful gift ideas . 😀 

To get started the only other thing you’ll probably have to purchase  besides a mat, is some kind of brayer, the thing that looks like a small paint roller.

Hopefully you have on hand some copy paper, baby wipes and assorted paints.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Surround yourself with all your supplies and dab a few blobs of paint onto your gelli mat.  You don’t need a lot.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Spread out the paint evenly with your brayer.  It looks better (at least to me) if you don’t overmix the paints.  The paint should not be gloppy.

Gelli Plate Printing.

If you want your paint to have a little texture, press some household objects into the paint such as this bubble wrap.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Take a clean piece of copy paper and lay it over the painted gelli mat.  Press evenly with the palm of your hand to soak up  that beautiful paint.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Gently pull off your paper and you’ve made your first print.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Use a clean, side piece of paper to run your brayer on to get rid of the excess paint.

Gelli Plate Printing.

To make  leaf prints over top of that initial print, paint your gelli mat again in a contrasting color.

Place your leaves over  the wet paint.

Gelli Plate Printing.

With the leaves in place, lay your initial print back over the leaves.  Once again, press evenly and firmly with your full hand.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Pull your paper up part ways, leaving some of it in place so it can be laid back down exactly where it is now.  Peel off the leaves.  

Note:  If I had done this step on a separate piece of paper I could have gone back and just gotten the leaf veining on my background.  So many ways to layer and play around with the paints.

Gelli Plate Printing.

The peeled off leaves will leave behind the veining.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Lay the paper back down. press down firmly with  your hand, and your print will pick up the remainder of the leaf veining.

Repeat for the other side.

Gelli Plate Printing.

I was playing around with paints, background colors and textures.

Gelli Plate Printing.

Clean off your gelli paint with the baby wipes and you’re ready to begin again or store the gelli mat for another day.

Gelli Plate Printing.

These prints were cut in half and  mounted in blank 4×6 note cards.

Leave the 8×10 print full size and you’ll  have a beautiful, one of a kind,  piece of wall art.


Gelli Printing with Leaves

Gelli Printing with Leaves.


After a little more playing, these are some of my final prints.   Don’t ask me what colors I used because I really have no idea, just a little squirt here and a little squirt there.  You may want to start with any  inexpensive acrylic paints you have on hand and as you get the hang of it upgrade to better paints and better paper.

Also, if you wish to print leaves you might want to get started now, before the fall.

Hope you enjoyed this little craft project.  Until next time, stay inspired.

     You can find more of my crafty projects, non furniture, here.

     BTW, these are a couple of the tutorials I watched on YouTube,,,

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