It’s Not Too Early, Ugly Christmas Sweatshirts

For Christmas this year we hosted my husband’s side of the family, 21 folks in all.  And with that many people making the effort to share the holiday with us, I like to do something special for a little fun and while we wait for all to gather.  This year it was ugly sweatshirts.

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So for planning purposes for you all, this project is either kinda late for Christmas or really really really early for next year.  I prefer to think of it as really early.

Look at it this way, you’ll have a year to gather up all your supplies.  You don’t  want or need the best stuff. Think ugly. That Christmas stuff that nobody bought when it was full price and is still sitting on the shelf at 90% off, that’s the kind of stuff you want.   

When you hit the local thrift store over the next year, check out their little bags of junk and make sure you hit the sweatshirts when those are half price.  I don’t think I paid more than $2 for any of my sweatshirts.

At flea markets when people are practically giving away their old Christmas junk, snatch it up.

And of course, hit your own supplies.


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Possible things to be on the lookout for over the next year are… 

  • glue gun with glue sticks 
  • tinsel
  • garland
  • pipe cleaners
  • glitter
  • pom poms
  • googly eyes
  • felt pieces
  • ribbons
  • bows
  • boxes
  • bells
  • beads
  • small plastic ornaments
  • foam pieces
  • sharpie
  • whatever is on sale post Christmas
  • sequins
  • cut pieces of old Christmas tree
  • plain sweatshirts or sweaters in varying sizes and colors

the only must haves are in red


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OK, so now a year has gone by, it’s Christmas, and your guests have started to arrive.  Actually, doesn’t it feel like that is how fast the year does go by?

Of course everybody arrives at a different time but this is actually a great time to start with the decorating.  Lay out all your supplies on a nice large table and let your guests get busy designing.


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I thought I would need a couple of glue guns for all the action but one was plenty.  Most just waited to finish their creations before gluing all at once.

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I’m showing you some of the final sweatshirts.  Family members heads have been cut off to protect the innocent.

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This one started out with just the jingle bells which my grandbaby happened to LOVE, though I do like the addition of the rest of the face.

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I don’t think this was the final, final sweatshirt.  This one kept evolving until bells popped out of the box when opened.

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Somebody lost their “I” somewhere.

The one on the right was taped and not glued because the “artist” wanted to keep his sweatshirt.

If you like, vote on your winner and award a prize.

Stay inspired and start gathering your supplies.


  • Mother Deer says:

    This is hysterical 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  • Mary says:

    What a blast! Will have to think of an occasion for the “girls” to get together next year…hehehe

  • Susan the Farm Quilter says:

    What a blast!!! I’m going to suggest my guild have a competition at retreat next fall to create some fun Christmas shirts!! That first shirt is awesome and not ugly at all!!!

  • Terry says:

    What a great idea – hilarious!

  • So much fun! I love the tree shirt for its aesthetics but the fun bell falling box is just too stink’n fun and adorable! We’ve done an ugly sweater contest but everyone did their creations at their own homes and came wearing them. I like your idea much better of creating them together then choosing a winner.

  • Stephanie Carrico says:

    What a fun idea. I vote for the wreath box as the ugly winner…with the tree a runner up. Though both are too cute to be a true “ugly” sweater.

  • Sheri says:

    I love this! Cracked up although some of these are pretty good and not ugly at all.

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