Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottomans diy

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

Back in April, my oldest son, Keith, texted me and told me he was cleaning out the garage  of a house his company was designing and it was full of crates…would I be interested in any? Well of course, I’ll take a few.  I couldn’t let a few good crates go to waste.

Stacks of old Fruit Crates

So, imagine my surprise when he shows up with 8 crates. Just when I thought he was finished bringing them in, he brought in more and more.  Not quite sure how he fit them all in his car.  

Back in April I shared with you my crabby fruit crate but I still had lots more in need of makeovers.

Whenever you’re in doubt about how to repurpose something, Pinterest is a great starting point.

Now I had to choose between, shelving, end tables, wall units and of course ottomans.  As you can see from my picture above, I chose an ottoman/storage crate.

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

First step was to cut a top.  Using the crate as a pattern, traced around the top of the crate onto a inch thick piece of mdf plywood (or any other scrap plywood you may have laying around).

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

Cut a piece of two inch foam the same size as the top.  To give a softer edge, trim off the top edges and corners of the foam.

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

Cover the foam with batting a few inches larger than the top on all sides.

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

Do the same with the fabric of your choice.  Cut it a few inches wider than the ottoman top on all sides.

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

Just like you would cover a chair seat, staple the layers in place by working from the middle out to the corners, alternating sides and pulling tight as you go.

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

To keep the ottoman top in place, a piece of  1×2 trim was nailed to the inside. The trim was set in just far enough to not interfere with the sides of the crate and not in the corners to make way for the corner braces in the crate.

The trim also does a good job of hiding the staples and the cut edges of the fabric and batting.

Fruit Crate Ottoman diy

Fruit Crate Ottoman diy

Fruit Crate Ottoman diy

Upcycled Fruit Crate Ottoman, Repurposed Crate, Ottoman diy

All finished and ready to put your feet up.  I added handle hardware from Hobby Lobby, when they are on sale you can get a pair of handles for $5. The crates can also be painted, stained or varnished to go with your decor.

The ottoman with the lettering was regifted back to Keith and his wife Stephanie with a tugger ball inside with the intention of housing all their dog toys. My last conversation went something like this…

Me:   How did Renzo (their dog) like his crate?

Keith :  Loves the tugger ball, not so much the toy box.

Me:  What’s wrong with the toy box, did he eat it? (Their dog is known for chewing up anything that is not nailed down)

Keith:  No, but he can smell his other toys that are not being chewed so he just stares at the box.

So, I am assuming the crate works well!?

Bernese Mountain Dog

This is my grand-doggy, Renzo, a Bernese Mountain Dog. He looks so sweet and majestic, this picture was taken just before he ate an aluminum foil ball.

Painted Crate diy, Wooden Storage Crate, Repurposed Fruit Crate

 And this is just a reminder of how the crabby crate turned out. Yep, same crate…painted, lid attached and slats fill in the sides. You can find it’s diy here. I still have a few of the crates, so look out for more crate makeovers.

Shared at Catch as Catch Can, DIY Sunday Showcase, Trash 2 Treasure,

Vintage Inspiration Party, Wow us Wednesdays, Think and Make Thursday, Share your Cup Thursday,

Dream Create Inspire, Handmade Hangout, Friday Favorites,

Furniture Feature Friday, Link Party Palooza, Best Recipes and DIY,

Bouquet of Talent,  Hit me With your best shot, Painted Drawer

and I was featured at




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